Tagged My Way Through

In the blink of an eye, another quarter passes. Who knew that time could pass by faster than it already does? Throughout the whole quarter, I enjoyed creating blog posts, as well as learning HTML tags. HTML tags are the first thing I learned in ICT this quarter. It was simple at first, starting with the stand-alone tags <br>(line break), and <hr>(horizontal rule), which don't need an end tag. As time went by, more and more HTML tags were discussed by our teacher, Ma'am Evelyn; it got more and more complicated along the way. For instance, I often made mistakes in the encoding process; may I have been mistyping or forgetting to put some symbols. Moreover, I have two favorite moments, with my reasoning being having the freedom to do whatever I want. First, I liked the color attribute because it allowed me to choose what color I wanted. Second, saving pictures gave me a chance to name the file freely...