
Showing posts from December, 2024

Tagged My Way Through

          In the blink of an eye, another quarter passes. Who knew that time could pass by faster than it already does? Throughout the whole quarter, I enjoyed creating blog posts, as well as learning HTML tags.           HTML tags are the first thing I learned in ICT this quarter. It was simple at first, starting with the stand-alone tags <br>(line break), and <hr>(horizontal rule), which don't need an end tag. As time went by, more and more HTML tags were discussed by our teacher, Ma'am Evelyn; it got more and more complicated along the way. For instance, I often made mistakes in the encoding process; may I have been mistyping or forgetting to put some symbols. Moreover, I have two favorite moments, with my reasoning being having the freedom to do whatever I want. First, I liked the color attribute because it allowed me to choose what color I wanted. Second, saving pictures gave me a chance to name the file freely...

Fight for What is Right

                    There is a large number of laws implemented in the Philippines to further improve the country. The objective of Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children (VAWC) Act of 2004, or Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9262 is to protect women and children against any form of violence. The campaign occurs from November 25 to December 12. Many VAW-related laws are implemented.           One related law is RA 8353 (The Anti-Rape Law of 1997) and RA 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995). This law aims to safeguard women from any form of sexual harassment. The person punished may be a man or a woman, as long as they committed sexual assault. When sexual harassment involves a deadly weapon, the penalty must be death.                     Another related law is Republic Act No. 7877 – Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995. Aims to expan...

Heroic Individuals are Worth of Commemoration

            Despite the hectic circumstances that took a toll in the Philippines, one man played a vital role in the recovery process. Marking his identity as the 6th President of the country, Elpidio Quirino's whole life and career filled with achievements won't be forgotten. The WWII veteran was the hope of the Philippines during the time of war.             Elpidio Quirino, or Elpidio Rivera Qurino was Mariano Quirino and Gregoria Rivera's third children. He was born on November 16, 1890, in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. He went to different schools throughout his life. He completed his elementary education in Caoayan, and he acquired his law degree at the University of the Philippines College of Law, wherein he placed second highest in the bar examinations.                        It was later on, in 1919, that he entered the world of Politics. His fi...

Diversity is Beauty

                    There are 110 indigenous groups in the Philippines, proving its diversity. The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) comme moration and Indigenous Peoples Month highlight the said groups, celebrating the preservation and diversity, with the theme “Mga Katutubo at Katutubong Dunong: Pahalagahan, Pangalagaan at Parangalana.” (Valuing, Nurturing, and Honoring Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Knowledge).           The observance of the National Indigenous Peoples Month 2024 promotes and protects the rights and culture of the Indigenous People as the celebration occurs, keeping objectives in mind. First of all, cultural preservation of the indigenous people is its first objective. It aims to safeguard their land and resources, empower them, and preserve their language and customs by the promotion of traditional practices. Another, it aims to provide better healthcare for Indigenous g...

Withstanding Ability of Filipinos

          Throughout the years, the Philippines has faced a number of progressive changes in the environment that adversely affect many Filipinos' lives or living conditions. The said change varies, as it may change naturally, socio-economically, or man-made change. Filipinos endure these with courage since they possess a positive human trait — resilience.           It's not new knowledge that the Philippines gets struck by natural disasters all the time. For instance, this year, tropical cyclones hit the country in just one month. This resulted in a maximum of 35 school days getting lost. Also, the country is no stranger to earthquakes, such as the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred in 2022 that devastatingly destroyed thousands of properties and caused the death of many. Despite these disasters, Filipinos remain strong, always seeing the light of everything.                ...

Future's on their Hands

                      According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), nearly 8 in 10 Filipino children have experienced some form of violence. To ensure children's well-being and safety, protecting them from violence and abuse is a must. The C hildren's Month Celebration with the theme: “Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines." keeps in mind every child.           The said celebration is held every November. The theme calls for the urgent need to address the violence that Filipino children face, calling on all Filipinos to work together to stop abuse and neglect. The theme raises awareness of the issue, calling everyone responsible for the welfare of children. The tragedies that some children face impact children beyond physical harm, as they get psychological and emotional wounds that will forever haunt them. The fact that abuse, exp...