Heroic Individuals are Worth of Commemoration


        Despite the hectic circumstances that took a toll in the Philippines, one man played a vital role in the recovery process. Marking his identity as the 6th President of the country, Elpidio Quirino's whole life and career filled with achievements won't be forgotten. The WWII veteran was the hope of the Philippines during the time of war.


        Elpidio Quirino, or Elpidio Rivera Qurino was Mariano Quirino and Gregoria Rivera's third children. He was born on November 16, 1890, in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. He went to different schools throughout his life. He completed his elementary education in Caoayan, and he acquired his law degree at the University of the Philippines College of Law, wherein he placed second highest in the bar examinations.


          It was later on, in 1919, that he entered the world of Politics. His first career in the political world wasn't being the president, as he experienced different positions before becoming one. According to the Senate of the Philippines, he experienced being a Congressman, Senator, Secretary of Finance, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and Vice-President. Eventually, Quirino took his place in the presidential office on April 17, 1948, two days after President Manuel Roxas' death.


Throughout his career, he played an important figure in the betterment of the country. He continued the legacy of Manuel Roxas, further establishing improved irrigation systems and the usage of hydroelectric technology. He also thought of social security, as he created a seven-point program, the Social Security Commission, and the President's Action Committee on Social Amelioration. It is also important to note that he is a WWII veteran, so he led the Philippines amidst the occurrence of war; his family suffered a heartbreaking fate during the occupation of the Japanese, yet he chose to pardon 100 Japanese prisoners of war. After the war, he improved the state of the Philippine armed forces.

        To have good leadership and a good heart is hard to obtain, yet this is proof that it isn't impossible. Elpidio Quirino marked his identity as the one president who successfully led the country after WWII. Not only that, but he's also known for his kind decision to forgive Japanese prisoners of war who brutally ended the lives of his wife and three of his children.



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