Great Things in Life



       Seventy-five of the current school year passed already, and throughout those moments, I have gained new experiences; it felt as if I got transported to another dimension. During the last two quarters that passed, I learned how to code using HTML tags. Now, the new dimension I was talking about earlier was CSS; this was heavily utilized in the creation of our homepage web design for our CBR. It was difficult to understand at first, but I got the hang of it with the passing of time. Other than CSS, we also got taught the different HTML lists, ol, ul, and dl. This was certainly easier compared to CSS.

       We successfully executed our collaborative Community-Based Research, though it wasn't easy, for we experienced hurdles along the way. For instance, everyone had a difficult time finding time to conduct our research, considering how packed our schedules were at the time, not to mention that there were Saturday classes. Furthermore, being assigned the title subtitle, and methodology part of our CBR is like a pain and blessing at the time. I thought I had it easy with the title and subtitle, but it didn't come to mind that I would have to accomplish the homepage of the research, which is expected to be equipped with great design and coding. So, I had a hard time making the codes work, and I spent a whole day in the process.

       However, all the problems in the world have a solution if one wants to make it work. Despite our hectic schedule at the time, we still found time to execute the said CBR on a Sunday, which was the only time left. It was a difficult time since it meant no rest for everyone, but it had to be done. Moving on to the coding process, I didn't give up despite how late it was already.; I let myself rest and didn't pressure myself. With enough rest, I managed to regain composure, which led to more understanding of the CSS. In the end, I managed to accomplish my part in the web design, and we managed to present our output successfully.

      Moving on, I will practice better collaboration and cooperation. Our community-based research made me realize how important it is to have good collaboration and communication with people, as it always results in a plausible outcome. Also, I will practice better coding using HTML and CSS. Despite how time-consuming it is, I found fun in the process.





  1. You're profile and posts are very clean and organized. Keep it up:3

  2. It's great to know that a fellow student learned a lot as much as I did.

  3. It's nice to know that not only did you gain knowledge but also had fun along the way.


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