Hearts to Hearts


   Up to this day, the well-known celebration, Valentine's Day is celebrated yearly and globally every February 14th of the year. Ever wonder where it originated from? Valentine's Day, which is also known as St. Valentine's Day, came from a famous saint, St. Valentine, but no one knows who Valentine was. Also, in this special time, people seize the opportunity to present their affection for another person by doing acts of service such as gifting and providing messages.

          Why do we celebrate it? According to Newsround, the celebration was initially an old tradition that originated from a Roman festival called Lupercalia. A belief from the Lupercalia is that boys drew names of girls from a box, and whichever person they drew would-be boyfriend and girlfriend during the festival and get married during some times; this wasn't proven true yet. As time went by, the church turned this into a Christian celebration named after St. Valentine. Hence, for these reasons, Valentine's Day has since then been celebrated around the world.

        Many people celebrate this to show their love for different people, may it be their romantic partners, friends, colleagues, and any loved ones. This celebration is a pathway for showing their love and appreciation for those said earlier. As I mentioned earlier, many people express their affection in many ways. For instance, I cling more to quality time, other than gifting or acts of service. With the people I love truly, I manage to give them enough time; I manage to allot time to bond with them despite having less time for my own to solve my problems.

    Valentine's Day has been globally recognized, and it's a blessing. It's nice to have a celebration wherein everyone promotes love, peace, and affection towards each other. How about you, how do you express your love?








  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This blog is the perfect Valentine’s Day read! So relatable and cute!


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